Top 3

My chosen 3 bloggers are as described in my word document.1.April Thompson 2. Bridget Franettovich and 3. Kate Edwards.

April Thompson

What made April my first choice was the layout she has created flows quite nicely. The description of her company is good in the sense she has done extensive research with links to back this up with. I do like the fact she put in a personal story that fits in with how her company treats employees and that obviously that’s an area that they’re failing at and has media attention being brought to. I am looking forward to learning more about her company.  April Thomson


Bridget Franettovich

What I liked about Bridget’s layout is that it was creative and funky which made her be my second choice. The company Bridget has, Jumbo Interactive Limited is quite interesting. I don’t know much about this company thus making me wanting to know more about it but what she has to say about it so far is intriguing. Bridget Franettovich


Kate Edwards

Kate, being my third choice, has made interesting use of her blog. Although her formatting and layout of the blog is fun and interesting, I have found it quite difficult to follow. What she has to say about her company AMA is quite good and interesting plus how she is putting herself within the text is great to see but from that comes the over the top factor and results in getting a little too carried away. However, I do want to follow her and stay in tuned. Kate Edwards